Asset vs. Stock Acquisitions
Learn to understand the tax and economic differences between transaction structures for your next M&A negotiation.

Acquisition Decision Making
Before you decide to acquire another company, be sure to carefully identify synergies and consider how to avoid your cognitive biases that could destroy value.

Transfer Pricing
A well-planned and economically supportable transfer pricing policy can have a large impact on a company’s profitability. Learn about the current issues and potential solutions for transfer pricing in our digital world.

Tech Valuations (SaaS)
Learn the unique valuation principles that are used for technology and SaaS companies to maximize your valuation potential.

M&A: Buy Side vs. Sell Side
Before engaging in a merger or acquisition, be sure to learn about the services and incentives of advisors on each side of the deal.

Equity Compensation: Restricted Stock Units vs. Restricted Stock Awards
Before determining how to compensate employees, learn how restricted stock units and awards are accounted for and the tax implications for your business.